Tattoo Sue’s – Thanksgiving Council 2001 Notes

The following is the notes I took for both Friday and Saturday’s council meetings. I will paraphrase as best as possible. Please note that nothing is quoted, with the exception of one statement that Ann Mele had made. Please also note that this is OUT of context, as most heart songs are NOT included from EITHER Council Meeting. Also, I will refrain from putting in here most of the Heart songs, unless it had a specific question raised in regards to our council with Ann and Carolyn. I will also add consensus if one was made, and result of such after the agenda item, again for saving space and time, knowing that others have as well, been keeping notes!
I hope this helps out! Ok, here goes!

Council notes for Friday, November 23, 2001:

Council opened with a circle and “Om”; feather is passed. Many blessings are made.

Agenda items for this council meeting were as follows (in no particular order.):

Bank- Figures and location? NOTE: $100.00 was donated to T.C. Location is to continue to be in Madison, WI area. POB is as follows: P. O. Box 3213, Madison, WI. 53704. Consensus was ok’d for continuation of pob and location of bank accounts; also, as to who would deal with it. Noted that ‘Bank” was not just for WI, but also for wherever the Gathering 2002 would be held.


  • The P.O.Box location, and who would deal with it? (stated that usually there are 3 volunteers to deal with incoming/outgoing mail and info related to “Gathering 2002” (I use that term (i.e. “Gathering 2002”, for lack of a better one, or an “Official” term) Computer/additional phone line?
  • Does Rainbow need a site for the Gathering 2002, or continue to use existing sites? Is there a need for an actual phone line for information about Gathering 2002? Consensus was: yes, create a site (not any info on WHO would run site, i.e. to deal with it!) site should run till after the Gathering 2002. (NOTE: no one at T.C. offered ability or willingness to do so)

Spring Council

  • Held on land? Several dates were proposed, June 7 and 8, and June 14 and 15, 2002. Consensus on dates: TBA. Consensus was also made to table subject till tomorrow’s Council meeting.

Supplies and Seed Camp


  • Most, if not all, should be done BEFORE Spring Council. Noted that vehicles are NEEDED badly for scouting. Proposed date of Scout meeting: April 15th, 2002, as council was told by “brother”, this date was set at the last Gathering. Consensus: Location was to be TBA. Also, that SPRING COUNCIL date/location would be determined at that time.

Slit Trenches

  • How to deal with in a more ecological and health minded way, alternatives? (A booklet was passed out, with ideas relating to such.)

What to discuss with FS at Tomorrow’s meeting:

  • Consensus was that only items directly relating to FS matters would be discussed. The questions (posted on GLOW) were read ALOUD as well as a letter of response from Ann Melle. (Note, that Ann Melle’s E-mail address was stated at this time, but I didn’t get the whole thing, so I didn’t bother to try!)

Shanti Sena

  • Was brought up, but nothing was discussed on that matter in this council meeting.


Throughout the council, many heart songs were shared.
Council meeting adjourned


Council notes for Saturday, November 24, 2001:

(Ann Melle and Carolyn ? were present, and representative of the Forest Service, henceforth known as “FS”)

Council was opened with a circle and “Om”

Introductions of Ann and Carolyn were made to those attending Council Meeting.

Recording of Council issue: Consensus was NO recording by FS or Rainbow

There were many hear songs that stated/iterated the Right to peaceably and freely assemble.

(Most questions that were asked, I will put here, and if an answer was given, I will also note it as such. There is no particular order, as questions were presented many times over by many people, and here I will try to sort them out. Between others’ notes and mine, this should help to make sure we got most of it!)

Ann Melle gave some background on her experience with Rainbow and the Gatherings, and offered that what she heard/learned at this Council, would be conveyed to FS members not in attendance, and that it would be conveyed as correctly as possible. Ann stated that the “Federal Code of Regulations” was instituted in 1995. This “code” is where Rainbow family seems to have problems. Wishing to be able to come to some kind of terms so that all involved would have a successful gathering in the future. Ann also stated that this “code” is available to anyone thru the Internet.

Federal Code of Regulations – Under this “code” Rainbow has been deemed a “Non commercial group”. The definition of this is as follows: User activity that does not have commercial usage, i.e. entry fees, sales of goods/services, dues, etc., etc.

Under this “Definition” according to the Federal Code of Regulations, FS informed those in attendance, that they would be subject to the “Permitting process” outlined by the FS. (Note: A copy of the application for permit, with the Federal Code of Regulations and pending court cases, was handed out by Ann Melle to those in attendance of Council meeting)

Ann went on to describe the process by which a permit may be obtained. She suggested:

That the FS would prefer an application for permit be made ASAP, to give the FS the opportunity to help us find a suitable site for gathering. Also, that application is in NO way a permit. However, she did state that the LEAST amount of time (barring complications of any kind) would be 72 hours, to request a permit. Ann also made it clear that an APPLICATION was NOT a PERMIT for usage. Ann also said that the FS would and is willing to keep location “hush-hush” as to avoid people showing up months/weeks in advance of seed camp.

Ann continued to go thru the process of how a permit is obtained, stating that it was a 3 step process: (Oral) Pre-application proposal: Possible site(s), number of expected to attend, allows FS to gather info on what/where would be best to suit needs of applicants.

(Written) Application for Permit: Can be same info as in pre-app, just in written form. Once the Application is made, the FS has ONLY 48 hours to allow/deny the permit.

Permit: Issued once the application is accepted, and must be on person(s) who requested the permit during event at all times. Ann stated that a “Name and Phone number” were NEEDED to fulfill the “legal affect” of the permit, as well as for contact.

Categorical Exclusion: (Defined in Federal Code of Regulations booklet), state that if none exist, a permit can be approved within 48 hours

Ann noted that NEPA rarely works within the 48-hour time frame, and to avoid environmental problems, is suggested to apply for the permit earlier than 72 hours prior to event. She also noted that the FS would “prefer” the “holder” of the permit to be the NAME OF THE GROUP. Stated that the “name” can be anything for the group, not meaning or being any individuals’ name.

Operating Plans: Including, but not limited to, fires, trenches, temporary building structures, etc, etc., as some things may be “site specific”. Also noted was that the FS can not speak for state and/or local agencies in regards to what they require; we MUST comply with the requirements of said agencies as well. All agencies DO work together, to speed the process in regards to permit for gathering.

IF no Permit is issued/approved, and the event takes place, Ann outlined what would happen. Here is what she said:

Use occupancy of land/forest is a citation that can be $5000.00 and or 6 months in jail. Ann made it clear that the FS is NOT going to change the regulations, nor will the courts, so a permit is REQUIRED.

The “Incident Management Team” would be implemented, with Malcolm Jowers in command. This is not just done with Rainbow events, but ANY that do NOT comply with the permit regulations.

If no one leaves after being asked, roadblocks would be set up so no one else could enter the area, and those already there, would be asked to leave. Some would be subject to citations. It was noted that logistically, not everyone could or would be cited, but that some definitely would be cited.

Rainbow would be treated as “general public” without permit, and hence, would not be allowed to use the lands as rainbow would require, with trenches , fires and such.

The question of working with the Press jointly, was quashed at the get go from Ann, stating that it was logistically impossible, WHO would be contacted on the Rainbow end????. She also stated that as far as “bad press” these things DO happen, and can’t be avoided, or hidden from the public, as they have a right to know what’s going on.

It was stated by Ann that the FS cannot promote, assist, or aid an illegal gathering.

It was stated by an attendee of the council, that we are here at this Council NOT to come to any kind of terms, but more to see where we all stand, Rainbow and FS.

Well, as of this point, my hand just gave, out!


Impermanent are all created things. Strive on with awareness…

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